ok so it's day one. well not really. The Purple Spades has been an idea for a couple of year's now. it's gone through different names during the masterminding phase. it's working name was The Purple Reign. the Purple in the name was to signify one of the 80's most iconic pop-culture and fashion time stamp movies. thoug it's not necessarily represented in this collection, it is the core of my inspirational motivation. not so much the fashion as it was the whole feel and emotion of the film. it's hard to explain but the things that i pull inspiration from arent the images that i want to mimic. the Reign in the name was to signify my artistic side finally reigning over my intellectual/fearful side. more on that another day. unfortunately, The Purple Reign and purple reign dot com was taken and closely associated with the vikings football team forcing me to go with a name that represents another inspiration symbal. thus spawned The Purple Spades. and now here i am...putting the pieces together and putting it out there for appreciation and critism. more importantly, i'm putting it out there to conquer and reign supreme over my fearful side that keeps my artistic side from fully expessing itself. its a crazy demond that i battle with. anywho, here i am. day 1. the beginning of the beginning. the inseption of The Purple Spades feels like the recreation of my photography. in fact, i dont even want to be referred to as a photographer from this point on. just a visioneer. here's why...